Waterjet Technologies, the Swiss competence centre for water jet technology, enables a combination of water jet technology and latest handling and process monitoring technologies. It offers multilayer applications, including solutions and services in the area of ablation, processing and cutting of technical materials by means of water jet technology.
WATERjet Robotics AG
WATERjet Robotics develops robot control systems. It grants licences concerning automated water jet cutting for unmanned industrial production. This includes various process developments such as automated drilling techniques using water jet cutting technology.
University of Nottingham
The Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering) is part of the University of Nottingham. It identifies researches and solves problems in the manufacturing by specialised, high-quality research and innovative Condition Monitoring technologies. It develops and supports several linked research areas and collaborates closely with industrial partners.
STEEP (Grant Agreement no. 316560) is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) for early-stage researchers (ESR) and experienced researchers (ER) funded by the European Commission under the FP7 - 'People' Programme; duration: 15th Jan. 2013 – 14th Jan 2017
Research and training opportunities are provided in STEEP for 17 researchers in the field of energy beam (EB) processing (laser, abrasive waterjet (AWJ) and focussed ion beam (FIB)) of difficult to cut exotic materials. This involves both multi-disciplinary scientific training, secondments in both academia and industry and tailored courses in complementary ("long-life") skills.
MBC Engineering
The mbc engineering GmbH is a software specialist. It develops solutions and offers customised services in software development with focus on the automation of technical processes in the industrial environment.
Forum Blech
Das Forum Blech bietet durch verschiedene Anlässe, wie Fachtagungen und Blech Academy Seminare seinen Mitgliedern die Möglichkeit, sich laufend mit den neuesten Technologien und Prozessen vertraut zu machen. Gleichzeitig besteht jeweils die Möglichkeit, das persönliche Netzwerk zu pflegen und zu erweitern.
The institute for Thermal and Fluid Engineering (ITFE) of the University for Technology FHNW has collaborated with Waterjet AG for many years. The main focus of the research is on the optimisation of water jet cutting. In order to make the thermo-neutral cutting principle usable for applications in the micro area, precision has to be increased. The institute for Thermal and Fluid Engineering (ITFE) has therefore optimised the water nozzle, so the position of the water jet can be corrected depending on different parameters.
ConformJet is a multidisciplinary research project of the University of Nottingham.
ConformJet develops in multidisciplinary European research teams a self-learning control for 3D water jet devices for the cutting of so-called “freeform parts“.
WATERjet, microwaterjet, AWJmm, AWJD, AWJM, AWJC and WOMAJET are registered trademarks of micromachining AG, 4912 Aarwangen, Switzerland