Company outing: Waterjet on tour

Ordinarily our employees make all the arrangements for the company outing in secret, as a surprise for the management.  This year everything was different: Car dealer Emil Frey invited the entire Waterjet workforce to the “Oldtimer Classics” in Safenwil.

Walter Maurer, not only the founder and proprietor of Waterjet, but also a passionate automobile enthusiast, was in his glory, which came as no surprise in the shining brilliance of the chrome and metal of the restored classic cars. The parallels of the – older – corporate history of Emil Frey AG and Waterjet AG in view of the ongoing development and expansion of Waterjet are fascinating. (...)

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Waterjet the waterjet cutting specialist on their company outing at Emil Frey Classics

WATERjet, microwaterjet, AWJmm, AWJD, AWJM, AWJC and WOMAJET are registered trademarks of micromachining AG, 4912 Aarwangen, Switzerland